Monday, June 9, 2008


In the Bible, there are lots of references to things 'you shall not covet.' Today, I am coveting your prayers, and I am fairly confident that I am allowed to do so. I didn't realize how closely I was relating my worth to what I do for a living. I think I have been in a minor depression for some time, and just didn't realize it.

Please pray for me, that I would realize that what God has planned for me is infinitely greater than what I am doing here & now. Also, pray that I will find some assurance that what I am doing now has purpose in the Lord's providence, and that I don't feel like I am wasting my time.


1 comment:

Lee Ann said...

I just saw this post, but my initial thought was the job you have now is what is giving you the opportunity to go on a 3 month mission trip, w/some pay, and still have a job when you get back. Among many other ways your job has eternal impact, that is definitely one providential blessing!