Saturday, December 27, 2008


I tell people I don't like to try new recipes because I cannot be sure that they will be worth sharing with others.  Tonight may have changed my mind.  I cooked with my sister and made 3 all new recipes for chicken, potatoes, and salad.  They were amazing, and definitely worth making again and sharing with others.  Next time you come over for lunch, don't be surprised if I ask you to help me put the meal together.  The cooking together, then sharing the meal, made these recipes, and this meal, even more special.  Cheers!  

Curious?  Go to ->cooking for real ->bistro night in  then enjoy!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

It's true...

I am my mother's child...I am planning a very late night of cooking and Christmas preparation.

I am also my father's child...I think it is critical that everything I make gets taste-tested for approval.

I don't think this the looming midnight hour is such a good time to have those traits exhibiting so strongly.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

more randomness

I was listening to an interview with an author today. He had written a novel about a father with 13 children. The host asked, "Do you think it is possible for a father to love all thirteen children equally?" The author, one of only two kids, said no. He thought the father could remember isolated accomplishments well enough to pretend to love his children equally, so they felt love, but not to actually love them equally.

I disagree. Though my father loves all 13 of his children differently, I think we are all equally loved. As in any relationship, there are seasons when that love is felt more deeply, but I know my dad (and my mom) love all of us.

It makes me sad to wonder how this author was loved, and whether the love from his parents was unconditional.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Just in case you forgot...

evolution is a theory, not a fact.

Heard a news show tonight that was trying to help us forget.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

7 Years Later

Seven years ago today, things seemed dark. Many say things were dark. I will admit, it wasn't a happy day for me. The days that followed were hard physically and emotionally, and I was spiritually empty, as I had been for years.

Each September since then, I get a little melancholy, fearful. What will this year bring? Will I be able to watch the news without crying? read the headlines? talk to friends? It takes me until about September 9th to admit that I worry about the 11th, even just worry about remembering.

This year has felt a little different. Instead of expecting the world to stand still and remember what happened 7 years ago, I hope in the world moving on--myself included. Not that I don't want to honor and remember, I just don't want to stagnate in the past. Life is full of blessings, even through darkness.

This morning I talked to my mom. She read me a letter from a neighbor, Elaine, who she had never met. Elaine talked about seeing my parents build and move into their home, about watching as family came to visit, noticing the joy we have in one another. My parents live in a town with about 500 people, and this woman lives across the lake, a very natural place to observe the comings & goings of my family, especially in the summertime when we descend on my parents' house to play. Elaine talked about September 11, 2001, about how she felt like she needed to go to church. She happened to pick my parents' church, heard about my brother, and felt deep sadness for a family she'd never even met. The letter she sent was such a blessing to my mom. As Mom read it to me, I cried. I am so thankful for her blessing to my folks. She took the time, after seven years, to let my folks know she had been praying for our family, even though she didn't know us. She commented on the things my mom loves to do in the summertime, having grandkids visit and water-ski, and how seeing all of us in action is such joy to her.

Elaine is a blessing to us, even when it would be so easy to get caught up in the darkness. It reminds me of why there is such hope, such peace, even now, seven years later.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Sin and my relationship to God

I have a lot of changes coming my way soon, and those changes have affected my sleep. I can't get to sleep at night, and then when morning comes I dread getting out of bed. It is not good. A friend suggested that when I can't sleep that I write a letter of what is on my mind.

As I tried to get to sleep the other night, I was filled with thoughts of what I want for my future. Once I started there, I couldn't sleep, so I got up and started writing. The words on the page were terrifying to me (especially when I read them later) because they spoke forcefully of my sin of self-centeredness and not trusting the Lord to provide the desires of my heart.

When I told my friend about this letter, I asked him what his greatest sin is, and he replied that it is fear. That is similar to mine, I thought, because it's all about what we're focusing on that is NOT Christ. I tried coming up with words to bring out the similarities, but could not do it.

Yesterday in church, Jeff said something about fear that was very relevant. Fear is an alternate faith, and by giving our lives over to fear, we put more merit on it than we do in the Lord. I think you could substitute any sin for fear there, but I thought it was so well put I had to share it.

I am so thankful that God sent his Son to atone for all of our sins, because I am sure there is no way I could ever escape these kinds of things on my own.

Friday, August 15, 2008

meandering mind

I have a lot going on in my head. I've been trying really hard to pray about it, but I am so confused about what to ask that prayer is a challenge all by itself.

Does it say anything about the state of my mind that I am choosing to clean house and do laundry as escape mechanisms? Should this concern me?

Thursday, June 26, 2008


Just a quick note asking for prayer for my sister, Judy, and her kids...Taylor, Braden, Spencer, Sophia, and Parker. Many of you know that they lost Brent, husband & Dad, unexpectedly in November of 2006. Yesterday would have been Judy & Brent's 20th wedding anniversary. I talked to Judy, who was really trying hard to hold it together, but I could hear the sadness in her voice.

I am so thankful she is willing to share the sadness somewhat now, that she trusts her family & friends enough to say she isn't happy all the time. I also pray in thanksgiving that she sees the joys in life and not just the sorrows. She said, "I could have sat around being depressed all day. Then I remembered I have five healthy kids and life is still pretty good." Big steps.

Pray for Judy & her kids, even just a brief moment, to honor this passage of time that probably helps and hurts at the same time. Then, please, take time to pray for your friends & family who have lost someone near and dear, and remember that loss, and honor that love.

Sunday, June 22, 2008


We all have our flaws--most of us have more than we'd like to admit. One friend in particular (you know who you are) seems to have periods where her flaws are all she sees. Whether it is a job you don't get, a love that is unrequited, or a life you are just not content with, life is full of disappointments.

My one friend has hit the point where all she can see is what she does not have. Simply put, she is unhappy, broken. I should say here that I love this friend. She is an amazing human being. She is my sister in Christ. She is one I can laugh with, cry with, and speak sternly to when she cannot see her own worth.

I try to remember that we are only on this earth for a short period of time. I also try to remember that this is not where we are meant to feel at home. If we feel at home here, then the GLORY promised to us in the next world seems insignificant. We are in this world, but, PRAISE GOD, not of this world.

I pray often that I would be able to see outside of myself. Each Sunday at church, we have a time set aside to confess our sins. As I sit there every Sunday, I cannot believe that I am confessing the same sin yet again....Lord, forgive me for being so self-centered, so stuck on who I am and what I have (or don't have) that I cannot see the glorious promises you have for me for more than a fleeting second.

I pray this now for my friend...that she can see beyond the current state of discomfort and discontent to know--KNOW--that she is loved and valued beyond all imagining. I confessed to her last week that I cannot imagine a man who is willing to see beyond my flaws and love me, that I don't think that I am worth that. She wondered how I could think that considering God designed me, created me, put me on earth, loved me, and shaped me into who I am could anyone else's love compare to that?

I ask all of you the same dare we convince ourselves that we are our flaws? Does God make mistakes, or does He simply put us into situations in which we are forced to our knees to rely on Him?

Monday, June 9, 2008


In the Bible, there are lots of references to things 'you shall not covet.' Today, I am coveting your prayers, and I am fairly confident that I am allowed to do so. I didn't realize how closely I was relating my worth to what I do for a living. I think I have been in a minor depression for some time, and just didn't realize it.

Please pray for me, that I would realize that what God has planned for me is infinitely greater than what I am doing here & now. Also, pray that I will find some assurance that what I am doing now has purpose in the Lord's providence, and that I don't feel like I am wasting my time.


Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I don't have anything to say, but one of my friends mentioned it was time to post something, so how about a news flash?

My job is changing, ever-so-slightly...On Memorial Day I am being placed at a different store. I will still be in Temple, but I'm taking over as manager at the store on I-35. Bigger staff, bigger facility, a lot of unknowns. I'll miss my store I've been running for 4 years, but knowing I'm only a few miles away, and that a great manager is taking over at my old place makes it a touch easier.

One friend asked if I wanted to change stores. My most honest answer is yes, only because it is clear that is what God has for me right now.

Have a great day!

Friday, May 2, 2008

No problem...

"And what does the Lord ask of you? To act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8

No big deal, right?

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Praise the Lord! He is good!

Debby and Lori came home today, about two weeks earlier than expected. It is as if a physical stress has been removed, just to have them within 20 minutes of my home.

When I got to their house tonight, it was almost as if nothing had changed. My bro-in-law was grilling meat, the other kids were helping clean up for dinner, and Lori was in the family room, exercising. Debby was answering all sorts of questions, able somehow to juggle the needs of a family of 7 (8 if you count me, and I do :)

Dinner was full of conversation, everyone comparing their day, complaining about homework and research papers, arguing over who had which cup. The biggest difference was in all the smiles. Even in the dreading of homework, we smiled. When I asked if I could take a Meyer family picture, no one grumbled, and everyone said yes.

Lori seemed amazed by what she forgot she had missed. The last of the bluebonnets are in the field, the first aromatic roses are ready to cut, and life seems sweet and good. Several times I watched Lori as she picked up a vase with flowers in it, simply to smell how sweet life is at home.

I am so thankful for the Lord's provision during this time. I imagine he knew, before Lori got sick, how often we took each other for granted. This season of fear certainly made us love and honor each other immeasurably more. Praise God, for He certainly doesn't give us more than He will help us handle. All is for our good and God's glory; the fear, the unknown, the healing, and the celebration...our good, God's glory....Amen.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I don't know why the donate tab showed up where it did--very frustrating! I'll try to make it go away. Amy :)

Long Time Gone

Feel like I've been away forever, and am just starting to come home. I have a heavy heart, and would still love to be with Debby & Lori in Detroit, but I know Lori is well enough for me to be home. I miss them both dearly.

In the time I've been home, I've gone back to work, questioned my sanity, had lunch with friends, and worked too much. I've also felt lots of love from friends and strangers, and am constantly surprised by what they know of the past several weeks.

I have also been searching my heart for what to do and where to go next--both literally and figuratively. My heart doesn't have very many answers--yet.

Missions information started arriving about 2 weeks ago, and I'm nervously eager to start sinking my teeth into it.

Keep on praying!

Monday, February 18, 2008

donate here

Leave a comment here if you'd like to donate to the Meyers. I'll make sure to be in touch! Amy :)

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Lori's story

My niece has been in the hospital for about two and a half weeks. Time often flies by without my noticing, but these days have been excruciatingly long. I never thought I'd need to know so much about doctors, nurses, ventilators, injections, infections, fever, surgery, and medications. I also never knew how critical it is to feel love and prayer in times of hurt.

This is hard stuff. I want to give all I have to be a support to my sister & her family, but I know that life carries on outside of the hospital. I know the LORD is carrying us through this, and no matter what I do, it is out of my hands. I keep praying, asking for courage, peace, rest, and healing--all in varying degrees for different people. I pray now that we all (myself included!) would just rest in the LORD and his provision.

That is hard, too...I don't know how to be the one without all the answers. I would appreciate any and all prayers. And if you'd like to know more about what's going on with Lori, just check out her webpage. Go to and read "my story" for the basics, and the journal for (almost) daily updates.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

What do you type when you want to GROWL?

I know I should be more sympathetic, more compassionate, more reasonable, but I'm just not. For the past 10 days, someone at work has been sick. It's been a variety of people, a variety of ailments, and a gigantic pain the rear to get worked out.

It seems to add about an hour of work to my day every day, just scrambling to find one person, or maybe two, who can fill in for someone who is out sick.

I know the realities of my job, but sometimes I don't like them very much. Just today, I told my boss, who does not have to deal with the idiosyncracies of others' health, that I have been doing research on burnout. I'm not sure what it is, but I think I may be coming down with it.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

check this out

My church is doing amazing things! One of the newest is interviewing our pastor, trying to get to the detail of why our church exists in the first place.

To learn more, go to and go to the vision section, then listen to Jeff being interviewed about why we believe our church exists. It's amazing to hear someone so completely trusting in the goodness & glory of our God.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Determined alone-ness

I was walking my dogs today, struggling with what God has planned for me. Obviously, I have no idea what that is, and I started to panic a bit, realizing I could be in this same alone state forever. Just as the panic was about to set in, I had this overwhelming sense of calm...I realized that worrying about my current state wasn't going to make me feel better about it, change it, or add any minutes to this existence. I let it go.

I am still alone, and still wondering about God's plans, but I'm determined not to worry about it.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

What happened to December?

I cannot believe it's January already. I thought about several great Christmas posts, and each night, I must have thought, "I'll do that tomorrow." So, I guess you're going to have to wait another year to hear my musings on Christmas.

I enjoy this time of year, a clean slate in front of me. I am hearing optimistic news about my mission trip, I bought grown-up furniture, and I got to spend a lot of time with my family. I know that's vague, but there is so much overflowing joy that it would take all day to tell you every story. Let's just say, life is good.