Monday, October 5, 2009


I tend to get a little off my rhythm after chemo. It is nearing 1a.m. and I cannot even fathom the idea of sleep. I look forward to the days I am motivated throughout the day, and ready to go to bed at a decent hour. Today I went to the grocery store, and you would have thought I was on a 10-mile hike. I had to convince myself I could leave the house and survive the "trek." I did, but it was the longest hour of my life. I did go to Debby's this afternoon, but didn't even manage to do anything useful while I was there. I think it was another accomplishment just to leave the house. Here's praying I get back into my normal rhythm soon.

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

It's the chemo doing it's job in your body, using up all your energy. And all of the past chemo's too. Each day from now on should be better since that was your last scheduled chemo. Hang in there and don't feel guilty for just hanging out and being what you call "lazy" That is not lazy girlfriend, that is allowing your body to focus on chemo. That is bigger than what anyone else around you is doing right now. Just breathe, relax, chill & mark every minute an accomplishment. Every minute all summer is an accomplishment, a huge deal, a great success & it is survival. Do a happy dance & watch a good movie with your feet up. Energy will come, motivation will come & happiness & contentment will follow. Hugs to you!