Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Writing and Writers

In case you don't know me, I love words.  I love how people can turn a phrase into something amazing and lovely.  I love to write.  Turns out it is very therapeutic...who knew?  Recently I have had several different people tell me I should "be a writer."   This is a hard concept for me to take one.  Because I write, I am a writer.  What else can I be?  

I think my friends who were encouraging me to be a writer were thinking I would do it for money.  I don't know anyone who ever really was great at something they just did for money.  I write for lots of reasons--I can't sleep, I am pondering things, or my brain is too full and needs a download of sorts--but I wonder how I can turn those musings into something real, something meaningful.  Any suggestions?  Where does one even start "becoming" a writer?  


Anonymous said...

Keep doing what you're doing. You're the best!


Anonymous said...

You already started.

Suzanne said...

You are a write, you write this blog. Perhaps the comment is "you should be published." Other people would enjoy reading what you write... which is also what this blog is. Having your stuff for sale at Barnes & Noble is another story. Will you continue to be motivated to write if it's for money? If it's not your sole income, then yes. But when it becomes work & not enjoyment, no. For now, I will continue to read, long as you share :) And a random thoughts notebook can in itself become a wonderful piece of work=meaningful!