Sunday, June 21, 2009

Home again, Finnegan

I had a great day today.  Part of that could be attributed to the fact that it's the first in many days when I woke up in the morning and am going to bed at night.  None of this medicine from midnight to 4 stuff--no, thank you!

Mary headed back to central Texas today, in preparation for her flight back home tomorrow.  She left me safely ensconced at Greg & Missy's for a relaxing day of waiting for Mom to come back to Houston.  I snacked, I napped, watched a bit of TV, and played a few rounds of online Scrabble with my friend Suzanne.  At the end of the day I even got a giant bubble bath in the giant tub--no complaints from me!

Debby, Lori, & John came to Houston with Mom after Mary got home with the car.  (You see, my car has a defunct transmission, so everyone who's coming to look after me is, for now, in Debby's car.  Debby is driving the pickup truck that is usually Angie's, and Angie has the Saturn. How Ed is getting around is a complete mystery to truck, perhaps?)  

Anyway, everyone made it in just fine, and after folding the laundry that I had taken to Greg & Missy's to wash (thanks, girls :) Mom brought me back to the apartment.  Everything is unloaded & unpacked, plus the coffee is set up for the morning.  All we have to do now is turn the pot on, and we'll be set!  

All in all, it was a great day for me.  I am tired, and as my friend Mike often says when I ask how he is, "I'm better than some and worse than others."  I think that's a fair sum of the day.  Mostly, I'd say I'm way better off than most--thanks to all the love I'm getting from all of you.  I hope your Father's Day Sunday was awesome! 


Anonymous said...

Hi Amy,

Kathy and I think about you every day. At night we always say a prayer for you. Kathy, Janice, Tim and the kids took me out for fathers day. We had a great time. Not being an expert on blogging, Janice talked me through how to leav a message. So, I hope you get this. Remember we are all thinging about you up here and are sending you strong vibes.

Kathy and John

Mary said...

Go John! Now just show Dad how you did it and we'll be golden!

Unknown said...

okay- i am figuring out this blogging thing. started at the bottom & from what i gather you went back to Houston yesterday? yes, i am that goofy!
how awesome about the apartment! that is a great story.
praying for you & so encouraged to see how so many are at your side! having a big family is such a blessing! love u girl~!