Thursday, May 21, 2009

I'm tired

Things are just really getting started for me, as far as doctors' appointments go, but I am already tired, just thinking about it.

Two oncology appointments next week, one here & one in Houston. One appointment to follow up on my surgery next week. Mammogram and breast cancer screening early the week after next.

If I'm tired now, I cannot imagine how I'll feel actually going to all the appointments and trying to pay attention to what doctors are saying. Maybe I'll borrow my mom's miniature recorder so I can process everything at a later date.


Mandi said...

I only have to work next Tuesday, then I'm off for the rest of the week. Your sister may already be doing this, but if you'd like me to drive you or keep you company for either of your appointments or just whenever, I'd love to see you. Seriously. Call me or e-mail me.

Suzanne said...

Take someone with you... and meanwhile, compile a notebook of everything, and have a page just for questions. Also have the nurse write down a number on your page of questions so you can call her if you forget something. And have my number handy if you need me to do some quick research online while you are there. You will get thru each day, one day at a time. Love you...