Saturday, May 30, 2009

Thoughts on today

My mom and I watched a movie tonight, one that made us both laugh and cry. Crying is not a bad thing, it actually felt refreshing just to release, even over a movie. I'm not a big "cryer," at least that's what I tell myself. My friends would probably disagree. Anyway...

I was thinking that within a month from today I could be bald. That's weird. Knowing that I'm a "silver lining" kind of person, I thought of this...just think of the time I'll save getting ready in the morning. I won't have to wash, dry, or style my hair. I'll spend less money on shampoo, and all the other stuff I put in my hair. Now, it would be perfect if the hair on my legs would also stop growing.

Yes, this is a scary time for me, but not without hope, even in silly things.


Angie Carroll said...

Girl that is so true about the mornings. How nice, I am thinking I want to get my hair chopped back off because it's less work. I think you should definitly go red, but hey try blonde to it might look great. Thats one good thing to. You can try different hair colors with out frying your hair or wearing a color you hate. I am thinking of you Amy, and thank you for keeping updates it means alot to me to know how you are doing. I Love You!

Johanna said...

Good Girl!!!
If you can't find the bright side, polish the dull side.
Have a Good Week.