Wonderful to see a post from you this morning, knowing when you are ready & have enough to communicate you will. It's a new pace & schedule you are at, different from your normal, sounds like you are adjusting well & finding your coffee! That nursing staff will soon realize what an awesome person they have in you and they will look forward to each visit & take extra care of you- I have no doubt, because you are too wonderful for anyone to breeze past. I love you!
It is great to hear from you. I have been thinking of you constantly this weekend and wishing I could be there just to give you a hug and wish you luck. I really enjoy reading everything that you write. You are an amazing writer. I still think you need to write a book, but for now, your blog is great. Thanks for keeping us all posted. We love you!! -Janice
I'm sure that all the waiting was frustrating! But what a gift MD Anderson truly is, huh? I truly pray that everything goes smoothly for you. Keep us updated!
It's funny, how seamless everything was, once we let it be what it was, nothing more or less. Met some nice people, had a nice stay and Amy was active and engaged in her treatment through it all. I'm so glad to have been with you for the first part of the first round. It was amazingly low key. You are amazing! May God keep you rested, nourished and open to plans being changed as they need to be... faith, rest, hydration and laughter, and NO STRESS are the best medicines! I love you.
Wonderful to see a post from you this morning, knowing when you are ready & have enough to communicate you will. It's a new pace & schedule you are at, different from your normal, sounds like you are adjusting well & finding your coffee! That nursing staff will soon realize what an awesome person they have in you and they will look forward to each visit & take extra care of you- I have no doubt, because you are too wonderful for anyone to breeze past. I love you!
It is great to hear from you. I have been thinking of you constantly this weekend and wishing I could be there just to give you a hug and wish you luck. I really enjoy reading everything that you write. You are an amazing writer. I still think you need to write a book, but for now, your blog is great. Thanks for keeping us all posted. We love you!! -Janice
I'm sure that all the waiting was frustrating! But what a gift MD Anderson truly is, huh? I truly pray that everything goes smoothly for you. Keep us updated!
It's funny, how seamless everything was, once we let it be what it was, nothing more or less. Met some nice people, had a nice stay and Amy was active and engaged in her treatment through it all. I'm so glad to have been with you for the first part of the first round. It was amazingly low key. You are amazing! May God keep you rested, nourished and open to plans being changed as they need to be... faith, rest, hydration and laughter, and NO STRESS are the best medicines! I love you.
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