Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I just got off the phone with the Nurse Practitioner in my oncologist's office. We have been talking this week about the complications with my port, and there is a possibility it may no longer be useful. If that is the case, I would no longer need to be admitted to the hospital for treatments and I could do my remaining treatments as an outpatient.

For me, that means more time at home, and potentially giving up the apartment in Houston. That would ease a great financial burden. Not that finances are a primary concern, but they are a concern nonetheless. I would appreciate prayer as this could change a lot of things for me.

My primary goal is still to rid my body of this cancer and have it never return. If that can be done with easing financial pressure, that would be ideal. Pray that the doctor is wise in her treatments, and that I would rest in what God has for me, even now.



angie said...

will and still are praying for you Amy. What a blessing that will be for you. I love you and I am always thinking of you.

Celeste said...

I hope this is all working for the best for you. It would be nice to have you here with all of us for your treatments, and it must be easier for you. I think about you every day, and keep you in my prayers.

Eddie McGoogan said...

I have seen love and friendship perform magic Amy.
God bless you and keep you safe

Mary said...

He's got you and me, sister, in his hands. He's got the whole world in his hands.

I love you. Praying, praying on.