Saturday, July 11, 2009


In my last post, I optimistically mentioned that I would start treatment tomorrow (which is now yesterday).  I think I will eternally be optimistic, which is not a bad thing in itself, but I am wondering how to inject more reality into these chemo rounds.  To be fair, I DID get admitted to the hospital yesterday, but it was once again after midnight (but before 2 am) when the chemo started.  I didn't fight the Benadryl so hard this time, and I think I was asleep before my nurse started the 24 hour drip.  I woke up a few times in the night, but overall, I slept well--certainly better than my last stay in the hospital.  

Instead of wasting the day waiting for "the call" from admissions, Janice and I decided to go out and do fun things until it was time to "come on down."  And fun things we did...We went shopping, had coffee & lunch, got turned around trying to find Rice Village (aka more shopping), had dinner, and then finally found out I had a room around 6pm.  We got here, checked in with the lovely folks in admissions, and now, just 13 short hours later, I'm talking to you.  

The staff here has been gracious and accommodating, as usual.  My nurse even made a pot of coffee before 6 this morning because (gasp!) none of the cafes in the hospital are open on weekends.  Shocking!  And, if you know me at all, you know that I can function about an hour after waking without coffee, but after that, I get uglier than normal (and meaner, too).  I had a visit from a new oncology Fellow this morning.  Can you say "cute doctor"?  Don't worry, Chad's married, I won't try to make the moves on him.  It wouldn't really be fair, after all, who can resist this bald head?  Well, nearly bald, anyway :)

All right, my lovelies, I am signing off for now.  It is nearly time for breakfast and I want to be ready.  Leave me some love with your comments.  I love knowing who's reading.  Have a great day, I know I will!


Suzanne said...

I am reading! Glad you have some nice scenery (dr cutie). Let me know if you think of any fun time occupiers during your wait times, but sounds like Janice has you hooked up. Hugs to you Aim! Why has your local starbucks not started delivering to your room? Don't they know who you are?!? You are like THE celebrity customer service guru they all aim to be.

Anonymous said...

Hey Amy! Glad things are going okay and I love your new look. You look great! Short is in! Tell Janice "hi" for me. We worked together on the Presentation auction this year and she was a lifesaver!