Monday, July 13, 2009

Busy, busy

The last couple of days have been busy, probably not by most people's standards, but definitely by mine.  I finished chemo in the middle of the night on Saturday (so technically Sunday morning), and at the end of it I felt pretty tired and yucky.  There is a lot to be skipped in talking about pumping fun chemo poison straight into my belly.  Let's just say it isn't bad until it's over.  I finished w/chemo about 5am, but didn't get discharged until after 1pm.  For whatever reason, writing up the right prescriptions and getting me out was low on the priority list.  Ah, well...

Janice took me home after 1, and we stopped for Mediterranean food on the way home.  The bonus with the icky belly chemo is that my appetite is way smaller.  We were able to share a meal for one, and still had food leftover.  I napped after lunch, and almost got caught up with what I missed in the night.  I was able to sleep through the night last night, which was a blessing.

Today, we were optimistic that Missy would have her baby, so Janice and I arranged to have Janice here so Greg and Missy could go to her appointment.  We just found out that Missy will be coming home tonight, no labor, no baby.  I ended up going to my first radiation appointment on my own.  I am still unbelievably tired, but survived the bulk of the day.  The appointment with the radiation oncologist went fine, but slow.  I was able to read more than 100 pages of my new library book in the down time.  It's a good thing I brought it with me, otherwise you would have gotten an update about things that you probably don't really want to know about!  I had an xray, some radiation therapy, so fun.  Tomorrow is my only "non-appointment" day all week, so I am praying it will be restful and relaxing.  It is also Janice's birthday, so we may do a fun Mexican fiesta for dinner.

I hope that you are having a great day!


Anna Blanch said...

Hey Amy,

I am enjoying reading your posts. Keep smiling. I'm praying for you. I want to be able to "follow" your blog through blogger so if you could add the button that will let me do that i'll be able to get track of you a little better.



Unknown said...

Wow, Amy! You are amazing! What a testimony to the Lord you have been for me! Please keep the posts coming! I am praying for you, dear. For the Lord to hold you, guide you and to see you through. Much love from our house to yours! XOXO

Anonymous said...

Aunt Amy,

I love reading your posts because they keep me so up to date on everything that is going on! And I have to say that you are a wonderful writer, I feel like I'm right there talking to you!

Can't wait to see you.
I love you!

Mary said...

Congrats on finishing Round 2 and starting RAD therapy! That is RAD, like cool and funky- perfectly matched to my awesome sister's personality, in case the mullet and mohawk-styled do's didn't clue you in! You rock, girl! Any other signs of cute medical team members?